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53 items found for "pandora's box"

  • Review: Pandora's Box | Trapped! Escape Room (San Dimas)

    BRIEFS 📝 The overall plot is a twist on a somewhat modernized version of Pandora's Box. Can you discover the secrets contained within Pandora’s Box? A BOXED CHALLENGE "Pandora's Box" is a very classic Trapped! Escape Room production. the Pandora's box no less, translated so well for game play. With Key Word(s): "Trapped" or "Pandora's Box"

  • Review: B.R.U.C.E. Saves Christmas | Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Rooms

    Saves Christmas" is the third online title from a collaboration between Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Saves Christmas | Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Rooms The game began in a wooden cabin, possibly Santa's (I think the lesson here is, Bewilder Box is telling me to make some friends. Saves Christmas | Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Rooms There were also tiny tokens just randomly lying | Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Rooms READY FOR FUN? "B.R.U.C.E.

  • Review: Sector X: The B.R.U.C.E. Project (Part 1 & 2) | Bewilder Box & Eltham Escape Rooms

    N/A ⏲️ Time: 60-90 Minutes (For Each Part) 🧑 Capacity: Up to 6 Connections 🏢 Company: Bewilder Box intro consisted of a narrated summary of what's happened so far for those not so familiar with Bewilder Box's Fans of the company should be delighted to find "B.R.U.C.E." is basically a sequel to Bewilder Box's Project: Part 1 & 2 • "BBBRUCE" ⤻ Search For All Posts With Key Word(s): "Bewilder Box" or "B.R.U.C.E

  • Review: Galaxy Quest (Formerly Known As Flight Of The Pandorus) | 60Out Escape Rooms (Downtown)

    ADDRESS: 2284 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90007 GAME: Galaxy Quest (Formerly Known As Flight Of The Pandorus Today, the previously defunct game Pandorus has been revamped, updated, & now once again open--so how did I fare in "Flight of the Pandorus"? My crew has been hired to retrieve a weapon device aboard the abandoned Pandorus by... you know, I forgot Pandorus achieved on both ends exceedingly.

  • Review: Unboxing The Mind Of A Cryptic Killer | Eleven Puzzles

    . ➲ Premise: Two detectives must work in tandem to unlock all boxes, to prevent explosives deep within two teams, combine info from 2 sides to solve. ➲ Simple and clean setup of individual levels: open a box , solve puzzles, open a lock, move on to next box(es). ➲ Many, many puzzles to play through, with an A bomb hidden within the several Russian-doll-style layers of boxes. From the elegant organization (the box within a box within a box within a box scheme is both amusing

  • Review: Retro Rad Pizza Adventure | Trapped Puzzle Rooms Trapped Takeout

    ▪ 💪 N/A ▪ 🔢 N/A 📚 Inside this puzzling pizza box, you’ll find six pizza slices, each whisking you Takeout THE (QUICK) GUIDE THIS, IN A NUTSHELL, IS... ▪ Classified As: Play At Home » Puzzle Game In A Box ▪ Many puzzle game sessions packed into one box, disguised as your favorite takeout food item of all ▪ For "Retro Rad Pizza Adventure", everything comes prepackaged in a large pizza box as expected, and the overall look most certainly makes it a stand-out in the "puzzle in a box" category.

  • Review: Legacy: Hellas 2019 (Demo Version) | Argyx Games

    Based In France) ◣ GAME'S SPECS 🕹️ Stay At Home Games » On Hand Items Required » Escape Game Puzzle Box Users can reveal little bit of nudges at a time, until finally the solution. 📝 Game requires box contents mean less frustrations. 🤷‍♂️ Best Fit For: Those who enjoy solving puzzle hunts and mysteries in a box You receive the letter of a notary that comes with a mysterious black box. your inheritance... ◣ ANALYSIS Nothing Stops This Game Master Not very often do I feel an escape game box

  • Review: The Hex Room | Cross Roads Escape Games

    costume piece, which was actually part of the overall game, pertaining to your personal puzzle "The Hex Box (More on Hex Box later.) But if you solved your own personal bonus puzzle known as Hex Box, you would be granted a medallion. , the other 4 were still actively pondering on their Boxes. Experienced players will not need as many clues, and would probably solve all 6 Hex Boxes, too.)

  • Review: The Emerald Flame (Prototype Version) | PostCurious

    . 📝 Game requires box contents, internet, or more. familiar with the general idea of puzzle hunts, and also have been exposed to other similar puzzle boxed contents, and the obvious and copious amount of effort, packed into the gorgeously illustrated packaging box in the making, a fact that becomes strikingly conspicuous when unloading contents from the packaging box The Emerald Flame (Prototype Version) | PostCurious PUZZLES And now, the real meat of any puzzle box

  • Review: Madok's Lost Treasure | Society Of Curiosities

    You will receive a box via the post that contains more information and resources. contents, plus pretty graphics & sites 🧩 PUZZLE: As with the last installment, many "think outside the box SUBSCRIPTION BOX CONTENTS Unlike the previous free adventure, the first episode of the paid subscription way to solve, or the different types of media clues, "Madok" took the mantra of "thinking outside the box I haven't received my copies of these lovely bonuses yet, but I have set camp next to my letter box in

  • Review: Season 1, Episode 4: On The Run | Mobile Escape: Escape Mail

    IN A NUTSHELL Cousin JJ needs your help, per usual, to unlock a safety deposit box, believed to hold Your main objective is to decipher encrypted safety box info from a black market Burgland passport, an Such a blueprint does exist, but it is currently secured in a safety deposit box. And the relevant knowledge to open that safety deposit box lies in a black market passport, boarding

  • Review: Escape From The Maze Of The Minotaur | Solve Our Shirts By CU Adventures

    . ▪ Classified As: Play At Home » Puzzle Game In A Box (Package) ▪ A custom screen printed t-shirt that ▪ If you enjoy boxed/packaged puzzle games that offer multiple surprising secret reveals--this (comfy ▪ If you enjoy these similar/related options: The Lost Temple, Floor 13, and Box One (soon to be reviewed

  • Review: Airlock | @RussBuilds On Instagram

    players' challenging and solving compartmentalized puzzles laid out on a desk, and once every "gadget-y box Finally, the "trick" the game design used to designate and signify which clues correspond to which puzzle box

  • Review: The Den | The Cromwell Estate

    place in business building complex, the game designers gave their best effort to ditch that "square box Finally, besides the live acting, Den checked off all the check boxes of what makes a great horror room

  • Review: The Curious Elevator Of Mr. Hincks | Bluefish Games

    Games 🏘️ Location: Based in United States 🛒 To Purchase Game ◣ FORMAT SPECS 🕹️ Format: By-Mail (Boxed Game ✂️ Tools: None Needed (Technically) 💻 Platform: Web Browser 📰 Media Used: Various Media In Box

  • Review: Prehistoric Park | Trapped Puzzle Rooms Audio Escape Adventures

    Ideal for groups of 4 to 6, because a diverse, outside the box thinking benefits game progression. ► I was glad that Trapped pushed my noggin's reset button and encouraged me to think outside of the box

  • Review: Miss Jezebel Online (Remote) | 60Out Escape Rooms (Downtown)

    . 📝 Outside the box thinking, going beyond your comfort zone, and dipping into adult only humor territory A close runner-up was a mission that required such outside the box thinking, my team let out a collective

  • Review: A Strange Compass & An American Traitor's Code | Society Of Curiosities

    Aldora and Pippa miss you, too! central division line to allow a "mail to" address field on the right, or maybe even a "'put stamp here" box In a library study somewhere, with an Aldora Palmist in one hand, and a John Hick literature in the other

  • Review: The Return Of The Magician (Livestream) (Remote) | UNLOCKED: Escape Room

    You have your magic hat, wand, playing cards, and even perhaps a box to saw someone in half. (Inventory also features 360° panoramic view, which is now considered an industry standard.)

  • Review: Trapped Escape Room Game Packs: The Bank Job | The Fantastic Factory & SolidRoots

    light scissor-cutting involved, and although I much prefer an experience that is 100% ready out of the box

  • Review: Chapter 1, Game 2: Cabaret In Lapin Blanc | Scarlet Envelope

    (The latter does make sense, since the company can't really send everyone a working music box.)

  • Review: Save The Cast! Nancy Drew ATX Quest | CW, ATX, & The Wild Optimists

    don't know them well, I certainly know of them, and I believe they are the creators of Escape Room In A Box

  • Review: Heistakes (Remote) | Escapologic Nottingham

    The vault in Heistakes IS an actual vault, complete with functional metal gates and safe deposit boxes

  • Review: Nautilus | 60Out Escape Rooms (Koreatown)

    Leagues Under The Sea" vibe, this game was essentially 60Out's answer to the "under-the-sea" check box

  • Review: The Asylum | Cross Roads Escape Games

    While 99% of the venues out there put padlocks on boxes, drawers, etc, who would've thought you could

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